In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office Professional Teeth Whitening – Is it worth it?

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In-office Professional Teeth Whitening – Worth It?

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Certain foods and drinks can cause our naturally white teeth to become dull and discoloured over the years, even with good daily oral habits. As technology has improved, teeth whitening has become increasingly popular, with various options available at all price points ranging from drugstore whitening kits all the way up to in-office whitening done by dental practitioners.

The three most common choices you’ll come across in Canada are over the counter DIY whitening products, salon whitening- a service often found at beauty salons, and teeth whitening  performed by a dental hygienist or a dentist at a dental office.

With these options in mind, that brings us to our next question:

Is It Worth Investing in Teeth Whitening by a Dental Professional?

We believe it is, and here are the reasons why:

  1. Professional Supervision.
    First off, your hygienist is a dental professional. They are trained to check the condition of your teeth to assess whether or not your teeth are suitable for whitening. They apply their expertise to assess the suitability of your teeth depending on a variety of factors you may not be aware of. They can also advise you how to address any issues so that you can go ahead with whitening at a later date.  For example, having a dental cleaning to remove plaque build up within the past six months prior to teeth whitening is an important step to prepare the tooth surface.
  2. Safety.
    During the entire whitening procedure, your safety and comfort is the main priority in an office setting. Your hygienist will personally apply dental products that protect your lips and gums from the whitening solution. They will then monitor how you’re doing throughout the three 20 minute cycles that the whitening solution is applied to your teeth. Tooth sensitivity is much less likely to occur when the product is applied in one single in-office visit.  If it does occur, it can be addressed immediately.
  3. Noticeable and Lasting Results in One Visit.
    Your dental hygienist applies a professional grade whitening product that provides fast and noticeable results in only one visit. Take home trays and over the counter products generally require repeat applications and tend towards increased tooth sensitivity.
  4. Simplicity
    The bottom line is that there’s nothing for you to figure out when you come into the office for a teeth whitening experience – all you need to do is sit comfortably in the dental chair, listen to music, and rest.

Putting it all together, whitening by a dental professional in an office setting is the most safe and effective stress free way to achieve a brighter smile.  You could say that in-office teeth whitening by a dental hygienist is an investment in both your self-confidence and your dental health.

If you’re interested in getting a free consultation to see if you’re eligible for teeth whitening, book a time on our online calendar here, and if you’ve had your teeth whitened already (or just want to maintain that bright smile), here’s an article on 5 foods and drinks that can cause discolouration.

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